Uses Bootstrap v 2.2.2


A tooltip is like windows tooltip you probably might have noticed that in windows tooltip cannot be used with a keyboard
  1. Can be used with both mouse and keyboard
  2. role="tooltip" for the tooltip
  3. aria-describedby for the anchor

Modal Dialog

Launch demo modal
  1. Role document inside Modal, so that AT can come out of application mode to read text
  2. role="button" for launch link
  1. aria-haspopup="true" and role="button" for launch link
  2. role="menu" for UL
  3. role="presentation" for li
  4. role="menuitem" for anchor inside li
  5. role="separator" for separator link

Tab Panel

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  1. role="tablist" for tab ul
  2. role="tab", aria-control="tabpanelid", aria-selected and aria-expanded="true" for tab
  3. role="presentation" for tab li
  4. role="tabpanel" , tabIndex="0" and aria-expanded for tabpanel
  5. up and left arrow navigates tab and down and right also navigates tab


  1. role="tablist" and aria-multiselectable="true" for tab div
  2. role="tab", aria-control="tabpanelid" , aria-selected, aria-expanded="true" for tab div
  3. role="tabpanel" , tabIndex="0",aria-expanded,aria-hidden and aria-labelledby for tabpanel
  4. up and down arrow navigates accordion header and enter expands accordion
  1. role="button" for previous next
  2. role="listbox", aria-labelledby for carousel container
  3. role="option" and aria-selected for accordion item
  4. up and down arrow navigates carousel items


  1. Label for typeahead text box
  2. role="presentation" for li and tabIndex -1 for lisitem
  3. up and down arrow updates textbox so that value is exposed to AT